Fully Staffed Chamber Department there to do All Premium Texting Service Setups
Member Benefit: Access to a USA-Based Chamber Assistant working under the Chamber brand as though we are in the Chamber office. They never collect money nor try to upsell members anything!
Chamber Benefit: Saving all start-up costs, thousands of dollars annually in member support costs, increase membership revenue by sharing a team of centralized on-demand Chamber assistants with other Chambers throughout the USA. Costs are fixed so there are NO ASSOCIATED RISKS. |
Experience Chamber Membership (.Com)
Member Benefit: Allows prospective members to interact with a tool to see why their membership will be of value to their business.
Chamber Benefit: Will be able to promote www.ExperienceChamberMembership.com which makes it much easier for prospects to make a decision to join the Chamber. |
Premium Texting Membership Plan
Member Benefit: We utilize members existing website and other online material to create a mobile application and text prospecting system for them. Instead of our team building their content, we leverage what they have already created. This is ideal for those comfortable with their current online messaging and large corporate members. Designed to help members improve their presence on the Internet and locally through multiple Chamber modules.
Chamber Benefit: Dramatically improves membership value, revenue, and retention at a very low price point for the Chamber we serve. |
Traffic Catcher System Setup on Network
Member Benefit: A marketing landing page that improves their online indexing and directory exposures, and also provides them with monthly reports.
Chamber Benefit: Creates a community marketing page for each Chamber member that dramatically improves search engine results and member progress reporting. |
Traditional Chamber Member Services
Member Benefit: You will want to explain the existing membership value you already offer along with this huge list of included member services.
Chamber Benefit: When you combine your existing member benefits with all of this, the value of membership goes way up. |
Premium Member Support (.com)
Member Benefit: Members will quickly learn that the Chamber support team is very responsive.
Chamber Benefit: The Chamber will not have to add new staff for support as we will be handling this from our central Chamber Assistant support center. |
New or Existing Member Onboarding |
Member Benefit: They will simply have to REQUEST SETUP and answer a few short questions. Once that is done we will take over, assign their Chamber Assistant and build out their Premium Texting program.
Chamber Benefit: The member will become formalized and offer a level of service not normally associated with Chamber membership. |
Text Prospecting Automation |
Member Benefit: They will simply have to REQUEST SETUP and answer a few short questions. Once that is done we will take over, assign their Chamber Assistant and build out their Premium Texting program.
Chamber Benefit: The member will become formalized and offer a level of service not normally associated with Chamber membership. |
Prospect List Tracking |
Member Benefit: Members will be able to easily collect leads from the Chamber’s network right on their phones and/or email. They will be able to immediately text or call those who are interested in their catalog of services.
Chamber Benefit: Be able to easily demonstrate to prospective or current members how well this will work to help them market and grow their business. |
Marketing Presentation / Catalog
Member Benefit: Works as a beautiful business presentation that they can instantly transmit via their texting keyword and number. Designed to enhance their existing website and other online content already in place.
Chamber Benefit: As the members are set up, the chamber will have all of this community information centralized through the Chamber’s website and mobile application. It will serve as a major community commerce directory that is loaded with valuable images and links to current member content. It is a hassle-free way to mobilize and document the entire member community at the lowest possible cost to the Chamber. |
Mobile Application System |
Member Benefit: Every business will have a mobile web app that delivers images reflect in their business services. When an image is clicked the viewer will be taken to that member’’s online information to learn more.
Chamber Benefit: Being able to offer a beautiful mobile web app to all members is a huge benefit. Certainly this will captivate many and result in new members. |
Texting Special Offer Redemption |
Member Benefit: Designed for the member to be able to offer a sophisticated, one-time use, mobile redemption offer. We call this a Local Golden Ticket and it is a very valuable service they can use to get people to do business at least once.
Chamber Benefit: A state-of-the-art service that is also included with their membership. Once again our team is creating valuable content to help the overall community prosper. |
Advertise Into The Community Network |
Member Benefit: The Chamber is typically the most trusted source for local information. It offers a public-facing network that offers valuable, qualified traffic for everything local. Therefore, it is important for the member business to be included in this network.
Chamber Benefit: We are bringing together the power of the Chamber with technology and the support team necessary to begin to realize the full potential value of Chamber membership. |
Auto Mobile Assistant Access |
Member Benefit: Most people appreciate being able to access support and information on their phones. Every month the member will receive a text message inviting them to click the link and review their marketing stats, take a support survey, view their catalog, and submit a support request.
Chamber Benefit: This is an incredible member service that Chamber staff can easily demonstrate on their mobile devices when talking to prospective or current members. |
Included in Community Mobile App Directory |
Member Benefit: The Chamber will be promoting their own Mobile-App-of-Apps that will be a container for all member apps, including yours, throughout the community. A powerful community-wide advertising model that is all mobile!
Chamber Benefit: The Chamber will have its own Mobile-App-of-Apps that will become an amazing resource once members begin the new Premium Texting Membership service. |
Included in Premium Website Carousel |
Member Benefit: The Chamber website offers a wealth of information and is accessible by thousands of people. Participating members will be included in the Premium Member carousel to promote business.
Chamber Benefit: This feature is turn-key and automatically updated by the system. Once your webmaster adds this functionality to your website our systems will keep it automatically updated. |
MembersCanHelp.Com Proposal Requests |
Member Benefit: This is a national portal for people to be able to request proposals and information from the member.
Chamber Benefit: Another unique service that may be mentioned in your sales presentations. |
Syndicated Community Calendar Instance |
Member Benefit: Able to easily add their own events to the regional calendar system.
Chamber Benefit: The Chamber becomes the host of a powerful community-wide calendar and multi-organization event publishing system. |
Network Search and No Finds Reporting |
Member Benefit: If they can study the overall network and look for search terms people are using that match their services, they can adjust their keywords for direct matches going forward.
Chamber Benefit: Provides members with highly intelligent reporting to help overall local commerce. |
Network Search and Finds Reporting |
Member Benefit: Can look into the Chamber network to witness its powerful presence.
Chamber Benefit: Terrific report to run and share with the public and prospects to easily prove the power of the membership directory. |
Coupon Generator with Social Multi-Post |
Member Benefit: Able to centralize their coupon creation, scheduling, and publishing from a single location. Share coupons through many channels from one system.
Chamber Benefit: Creates valuable content on the member directory, website, mobile app and is another value added feature of being a member of the Chamber of Commerce. |